Planning your funeral in advance can reduce the stress your family and friends face at a time of intense grief. By specifying your wishes, you will get the sort of funeral that you would wish to have. It also means that your loved ones will not have to face making decisions at a difficult time.
Once your funeral wishes have been discussed and set down, you can rest assured that your family will be empowered to make informed decisions about all your funeral-related issues and will be able to put your wishes into action. Your funeral wishes can also be used by your family to compare prices and obtain quotes from funeral companies in your area before they sign any funeral contract.
NOTE: You should review your advanced funeral plan regularly so that your wishes and personal details are always up to date.
Although people often include a paragraph about their funeral in their will, it may not be a good place to specify how you would like your funeral to be conducted. Another problem of specifying your funeral in a will is that too often, it is not reviewed until after the funeral service takes place, resulting in the deceased’s funeral wishes never being taken into account.
About eziFunerals
eziFunerals supports individuals and families cope with end of life decisions, death and funerals. We are an independent, Australian-owned and operated company, and are not a subsidiary of any other corporation. We are not part of any other funeral company. Founded by consumers frustrated by how difficult it was to get independent information, eziFunerals supports consumers plan a funeral, compare prices and select the right funeral director anywhere, anytime.