Organising a funeral after the death of a loved one is a difficult time for everyone. For most of us, coping with death and planning a funeral is one of the most difficult things we will ever be asked to do. It can be a very emotional and difficult time.

What makes it even harder is that we are generally unaware of our funeral rights; that is, we don’t know how we can have genuine and meaningful involvement; we are often unprepared and don’t know what to do when someone close to us dies.


We’re here to help you and your family

eziFunerals is a FREE online funeral service that simplifies and streamlines the funeral process. We empower consumers to organise and document their funeral needs in an easy to read, downloadable PDF format. Your PDF funeral plan can be used to share with your family (pre-need) or get itemised quotes from multiple funeral directors (at-need).

By organising a funeral with eziFunerals, you can avoid the stress of sales people, whilst saving money on costly funeral expenses that are not required. We operate australia wide including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart and the regions.



We help you ‘shop around’ for funeral services

Although it may be emotionally difficult for you to ‘shop around’ for funeral services, it makes sense that you should apply the same techniques used with any other major purchase. The following tips can help you save time, money and unnecessary grief.

  1. Have the conversation with your family
  2. Plan your funeral with our online tools
  3. Shop around and request quotes
  4. Compare funeral costs and charges
  5. Ask for an itemised price list
  6. Don’t pay for things you don’t need
  7. Resist pressure “sales”
  8. Read our customer ratings and reviews
  9. Select an independent and family owned funeral director.


Not all funeral directors are the same. The cost of a funeral can vary significantly depending on which funeral home consumers use and the type of services they choose. So it pays to get more than one quote and do your homework!. Most of all, Select and Independent and Family Owned Funeral Home from our website and get the right funeral at the right price.


Learn more about organising a funeral in Australia today!

Find a Funeral Director

Read our FREE funeral guides


Get your FREE eBook: ‘What Kind of Funeral’


About eziFunerals

eziFunerals supports individuals and families cope with end of life decisions, death and funerals. We are an independent, Australian-owned and operated company, and are not a subsidiary of any other corporation. We do not conduct funerals and we are not part of any other funeral company.