We all have a habit of avoiding conversations about our death. It’s only natural, after all discussions about dying and the decisions that will have to be made by family and loved ones when we are gone are difficult to have.

Sadly, they are decisions that have to be made. However, if they are made in advance, they can save your family a lot of unnecessary stress at a time when they should be focused on coping with their loss and not on the practicalities of funeral arrangements.

Pre-planning a funeral can give you piece of mind and help to support your family even when you’re no longer around. So what is pre-planning and is it suitable for you?


What is pre-planning a funeral?

Pre-planning a funeral gives you the power to make the decisions about your final arrangements. Pre-arranging your own funeral will help to ease the burden of your loved ones, it will also alleviate any questions, differences or conflict, which can occur among family members. If any of the following statements make sense to you, then you should consider pre-planning your funeral arrangements:

You want to make things easy for family:

By taking the time to record your funeral wishes in advance you can take comfort in the knowledge that your loved ones will be spared the stress of making decisions on your behalf.

You want to avoid financial stress:

You can also pre-pay for your own funeral. Not only will this protect you from rising costs, but it will also remove any financial burden from your loved ones.

You want to control your final wishes:

If you have specific preferences for your funeral you can record them in your FREE personalised funeral plan, which means that you can rest easy in the knowledge that when the time comes, they will be followed in accordance with your wishes.


Don’t wait before it’s too late: Plan your own funeral today!

eziFunerals provides a comprehensive online planning service, which allows you to record the sort of funeral you want for yourself or a loved one, before contacting a funeral director.

How it works:

  1. Go to www.ezifunerals.com.au
  2. Register as a new Funeral Consumer, or simply login to your account.
  3. Select the Plan A Funeral menu option and follow the steps provided in each section.


What information is recorded in a funeral plan:

  • “Details of Person Making Arrangements” allows you to record details you or your family will need for official records.
  • “Details of Deceased” allows you to record details of the person who has passed away or a death is impending.
  • “Details of Committal” allows you to record how you would like you or your loved one to be put to rest.
  • “Details of the Funeral” allows you to record your wishes regarding your or your loved one’s funeral.


About eziFunerals

eziFunerals supports individuals and families cope with end of life decisions, death and funerals. We are an independent, Australian-owned and operated company, and are not a subsidiary of any other corporation. We are not part of any other funeral company. Founded by consumers frustrated by how difficult it was to get independent information, eziFunerals supports consumers plan a funeral, compare prices and select the right funeral director anywhere, anytime.