In our journey across the life course, we experience many different stages, challenges and events. But it’s how how we respond to these that will shape the meaning of our life. Our lives will be determined by the responses and choices we make, while we are living. Our life can be shaped with activities, people, and things we love and enjoy, or doing something for the common good; something that we feel is appreciated by others, and are thus gratified by.

One thing for certain if that living does not last forever. Our life will be faced with many ups and downs. There will be good times and bad times. It may be long and fulfilling or it may be tragically cut short — but we all live a life that should be remembered and celebrated by our family and friends who are left behind.


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About eziFunerals

eziFunerals supports individuals and families cope with end of life decisions, death and funerals. We are an independent, Australian-owned and operated company, and are not a subsidiary of any other corporation. We do not conduct funerals and we are not part of any other funeral company.